Security Library
We believe in the benefit and necessity of sharing our experience, knowledge and culture we have gained in private security services with the society we are a part of. As a private security firm, we know that information is a capital that does not decrease as it is shared, on the contrary, shared information adds added value to us. One can benefit from our articles that we have written and collected under the "private security information center" section that we created in order to shed light on private security workers or the ones who get private security services or the managers of housing estates and establishments that consider to get this services. You can use this link to get a special security proposal from our company.
Important reminder: The articles in this section are for informative purposes and our company does not confirm the currency and accuracy of the articles. Articles cannot be quoted without showing the source and link. Otherwise, our legal rights are reserved.

RO Group Private Security Company, Istanbul.

Özel Güvenlik in English? What does that mean?

What are the Courses Taken in Private Security Training?
What We do?