"Özel Güvenlik" in English? What does it stand for?

ozel guvenlik english ingilizce

If you are walking down the streets of Istanbul and another cities in Turkey like Ankara or even Izmir you probably see some handsome guys or beautfull ladies in fancy uniforms (we choose black and white uniforms by the way) guarding a residencial area or work places. But also you notice something interesting, there are two words every person's jackets back and that writing down with big letters "Özel Güvenlik"!

Have you ever wondered what these two words stand for?

Yes, you have. We know it. A lot of foreigners already asked us why our all employees (Security guards in other words) carry on these two magic words on their backs. To put it briefly; Özel Güvenlik means "private security" in a direct interpretations from Turkish into English which referring armed or unarmed securiy guarding or patrolling services from private companies like us! Although like a direct translation as "private security" doesn't give exact meaning of özel güvenlik in English. It is so much better to take "özel güvenlik" as an private security guard services that being provied from a licenced security company. Indeed, not a service which is given by government for free. A service from a licenced security company to its clients -a person or a corpation- based on a contract which is NOT free but totally commercial!

 Now, we know what özel güvenlik means but why in every corner stamped with that?

In Turkey, to found a security company in order to provide security services to other companies or people who demand this executive and comercial need, we as a security company and securiy companies must apply interior ministry to be given a very special licence and after estabilished every security company in Turkey must fully obey the law number 5188 and follow all instructions by highest police administrative authority. It's very obvious that in related law and instructions require all security guards in Turkey must wear some kind of uniforms writing down "özel güvenlik" on backs while  on duty. Also expression of executive security (özel güvenlik) must be put somewhere so that everyone easily see and understand it.

Can you provide private security (özel güvenlik) to everyone who demands?

Unfortunately No. In Turkey; according to private security law; who -would like to get private security services - must apply local goverments for permission to sign a security contract in order to get private security services from a licenced security companies and then security companies can send needed number of security guards to carry on security patrol and other kind of security services.

Can I ask you more about private security services in Turkey?

Yes, we'd be happy to help you out. You can reach us via email or phone which are on web site!



* Bu yazı özel güvenlik tabirini İngilizce anlatmıştır.


What We do?

We believe that private security needs cannot be sold; contrarily we believe that business partnership. Therefore we have no client, in other words we have business partners and we reduce the risks of our partners.
We believe that private security needs cannot be sold; contrarily we believe that business partnership. Therefore we have no client, in other words we have business partners and we reduce the risks of our partners.
We believe that private security needs cannot be sold; contrarily we believe that business partnership. Therefore we have no client, in other words we have business partners and we reduce the risks of our partners.

As Ro Group Private Security
We're ready for a digital future
We're with you with our sectoral power!

Let's use this power and become our business partner